Job Mode : | Part-time Job |
Published On : | 2017-07-19 |
Last Application Date : | 0 days remaining (2017-10-18) |
Category : | Other (Other) |
Pay Rate : | 6000 |
Location : | 131001 |
City : | India |
Country : | Haryana |
Job Posted By: | Ajit Singh |
Jobs Publisher's Website: | |
All you need a team of online marketing and sales executives of minimum 5 employees.
Process Advantage - A fresh market without any competitor, so more sales without competitions. You can set your own customized target for monthly sale. contact us for any doubt/help. Non-targeted sale option available.
You can visit live center in Delhi to better understand the process. Call 8571034405 for more details.
Process details are mentioned below.
Process Name - Back end sales and promotion campaign.
Process Type- Non-voice/Voice (Some callings need to be done to confirm sale)
Requirement of dialer or any other hardware/software - No
Nature of work - (Following work need to be done at back end center)
1. Online marketing of services and generate sales for product/package.
2. Provide chat support to live visitors.
3. Run e-mail campaign for product/package promotion.
4. Provide voice support to visitor.
5. Help in required documentation and transaction.
6. Provide report of confirm sale.
Scope of Work
Minimum product/package requirement in market - 50,000 (Estimated)
Total contact period - 1 year (extendable up to 10 years with renewal terms)
Total Number of seats available - 150 (Total 30 Slots of 5 system each)
Number of computer and manpower require for this work.
Anyone can start with 1 system. But a center with minimum 5 systems preferred. Center can increase number of systems in a slot of 5 systems fixed, means a center can take 5,10,15,20,25... up to 150 system work.
System Configuration - P4 and above with widows 7,8 or 10 with internet connectivity.
Role of employees - 1 Chat Support, 2 Online Promotion, 1 Voice executive + Social Media and other support, 1 Team Leader (Report generation and sale confirmation)
Training and Support
1 week onsite training will be conducted by Ran Singh IT Solutions Pvt Ltd. Traveling and accommodation charges will on Client.
Database and Material for online promotion and sale.
Primary data for interested customer will be provided to client. Online help for promotional and sales campaign will be provided in working time.
Payout Calculation for 5 systems-
Payout - Fixed 25,000/- per seat (including everything)
Payment terms - Monthly (on or before 7th date of next month)
Monthly target -15*5 = 75 Sales for 5 systems
Total Payout* - 25000*5= 125000+40000 (incentive)= Rs. 1,65,000/- for 5 systems
Bank Guaranty available for fixed payout.
Incentive - Rs. 1600/- fixed will be paid on per sale incentive above monthly target. Incentive will be on above targeted sales only. You are liable for penalty below targeted sales.
*If you do 20 sales per system in a month you will get 25000+ (1600*5)= 33000*5 =Rs. 1,65,000/-
Document Required for Center (5 or more seats)
1. Center Profile or any registration document
2. Address Proof
3. 4 Pictures of center (One photo of front location)
4. Director/Partner/Proprietor ID Proof.
Charges involved - (We do not charge one time, you can pay step by step or you can pay one time at the time of signing SLA(Agreement))
1. Business associations charge - Rs.30,385/- (Including 18% GST)
2. Security - Rs. 50,000/- for 5 systems (Bank Guaranty of this amount can be available)
4. Training Charges - Rs. 23,600/-. + Travailing and accommodation of training. (Inclusive GST)
5. Total Payment - Rs. 1,03,985/- only (Inclusive GST)
For existing customers :- Our already registered customers can start this work on immediate basis. There previous fee will be discounted from security amount.
Royalty - fixed 5% from every billing.
A/c Details - Here is A/c Details for fee submission.
How to register :-
1. Go to and Download Registration Form.
2. First of all take printout of page 1 and page 2
3. Fill all fields with blue pen. Watch specimen copy for instructions on page 4.
4. Pay training charge . (Here is A/c Details for registration fee submission)
5. Mail transaction details of fee submitted. (Here is A/c Details for registration fee submission)
6. Scan both filled pages and mail us at and
7. Get Confirmation from billing dept. and document verification dept.
You can visit our office on Mon-Fri B/w 10 AM- 5PM for registration. Address D Elite Info-tech Sh. 20, Shiv Colony, Devru Road, Near Mamchand School, Sonipat, Haryana 131001
Cont. 8571034405
mail -,
Contact details -
Email ID -
Phone No. - 8571034405