Job Mode : | Part-time Job |
Published On : | 2009-08-03 |
Last Application Date : | 0 days remaining (2010-00-00) |
Category : | Social Care (Support Worker) |
Pay Rate : | £ 7 per hour |
Location : | SW18 1EP |
City : | Wandsworth |
Country : | London |
Job Posted By: | CM Care Limited |
Jobs Publisher's Website: | |
CM Care limited requires Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Support Workers.
Your duties will include:
- supporting service users to live independently.
- Supporting service users access the correct benefits.
-Supporting service users to key appointments.
No previous experience of social care is required.
CM Care will provide the appropriate candidates with training.
All applicants will be required to have a C.R.B check and P.O.V.A check at the cost of CM Care Limited.
To request a full support worker guide or register your interest in this position do not hesitate to contact me.
Emma Omijie
Facilitations Manager